Books and Looks ... time well spent!
This morning, I wanted to skip the Wednesday ritual at my school ... Books and Looks. I needed to prepare the computer lab for class, my mood was gloomy, and I honestly just wanted to drink a cup of coffee before diving into my busy day. But I knew the second and third graders were counting on me. Little did I know they would turn around my day!
Books and Looks started a couple months ago at my school. The idea came from another school where the teacher does something called Books and Braids. Students are able to come to her classroom before school to get their hair fixed while reading a book. My principal decided we should try this, and it's been a very popular option with both boys and girls. In fact, there were so many students wanting their hair fixed when we first started that we had to limit it to certain grade levels each week with a rotating schedule.
Staff members who are available help fix hair. We each have our specialty ... some are good with styling boys hair into Mohawks with gel, while others know how to fishtail, or French braid or style a messy bun. A popular request today was for hair like Elsa, from the movie "Frozen." I needed a little more detailed information, but I think we got close!
It's great seeing the students in my school sitting and reading books, and waiting their turn to get a fancy hair do. They are interacting with students in other grades, and with staff members and teachers they may not normally see in their daily routine. They practice reading and patience, and also show their gratitude when their hair is fixed.
What I didn't realize when we started this is that I would get more out of this than the students. No, I don't leave with a fancy hair style, but I do leave with a deeper relationship with the students whose hair I have fixed. They are so appreciative of the time spent with us. All throughout the day, when I see students, they thank me for fixing their hair. The braids might be falling out, and the messy buns are hanging low, but we shared time together and in this busy world, that is something precious.
I'm not sure why my mood was a little gloomy this morning ... could be the below zero temps for far too long, or my busy schedule for the next couple weeks. The mood didn't hang around long, thanks to the second and third graders who spent time with me while I did my best to make them look and feel special ... because they are!
Staff members who are available help fix hair. We each have our specialty ... some are good with styling boys hair into Mohawks with gel, while others know how to fishtail, or French braid or style a messy bun. A popular request today was for hair like Elsa, from the movie "Frozen." I needed a little more detailed information, but I think we got close!
It's great seeing the students in my school sitting and reading books, and waiting their turn to get a fancy hair do. They are interacting with students in other grades, and with staff members and teachers they may not normally see in their daily routine. They practice reading and patience, and also show their gratitude when their hair is fixed.
I'm not sure why my mood was a little gloomy this morning ... could be the below zero temps for far too long, or my busy schedule for the next couple weeks. The mood didn't hang around long, thanks to the second and third graders who spent time with me while I did my best to make them look and feel special ... because they are!
Wow, do I love this! Such a great idea and fantastic way for those students to begin their school day. Bravo!!